We hope that you and your loved ones have been able to stay healthy and safe despite the real-world pandemic disrupting our lives. Last year, during COVID’s initial spread, we postponed our expected announcements of Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America and Pandemic Legacy: Season 0. Here we are again, one year since our initial announcement for the Hot Zone series of Pandemic games, and the situation continues to evolve.
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A little over four years ago, I transferred from my position as designer/developer/manager/etc at Fantasy Flight Games over to the newly minted Z-Man Games team, which was formerly (and briefly) known as Windrider. As part of the interview process, I was asked an essay question that was effectively, “What is the Identity/Nature of Z-Man Games?"
If you are an avid player of board and tabletop games, or even if you have just a few in your collection, chances are you want to make sure as little damage comes to them as possible. Both time and use play a role in the wear and tear your games experience. The big question when it comes to halting or slowing this is, quite simply, “how?” Well, that’s why we’re here!
Hans im Glück recently sat down with Carcassonne designer Klaus-Jürgen Wrede and asked him a few questions about a few different topics.
Assembling Your Resources
Your ship has been destroyed and your crew are still asleep in their cryostasis pods, scattered among the wreckage. Can you use tech at your disposal to scavenge the resources needed to rescue them and survive the cold planet?