Carcassonne: Gold Rush
Return to the 19th Century and claim your fortune in this exciting stand-alone game inspired by the classic Carcassonne.
What’s in the box
- 1 Rulebook
- 72 Land Tiles
- 25 Cowboys (5 each in yellow, red, green, blue, black)
- 5 Tents (1 each in yellow, red, green, blue, black)
- 63 Mining Tokens
- 1 Scoreboard

There’s Gold in Them There Hills
An unknown frontier stretches as far as the eye can see. Construction for railroad lines is underway and settlers are working hard to turn their dreams of prosperity into reality. Carcassonne: Gold Rush invites you to stake your claim and make your mark on the Old West. Place tiles to construct a landscape of prairies, mountains, cities, and railroads, then send in your cowboys to score points. With their help, you can expand the railroads, set up shop in cities, construct farms, and mine for gold. No matter what direction you take, act quickly. Everyone’s looking to get rich quick, so get to the mountains before the others mine them dry!
Strike the Mother Lode
Carcassonne: Gold Rush captures the spirit of the historical Gold Rush and its risk-and-reward mining. Place cowboys on mountain tiles to claim the mines—and precious gold—you find there, or pitch your tent on the mountainside to snatch the gold from another player. But beware! Sometimes you’ll be left holding fool’s gold while someone else finds a rich vein of the real thing. Still, if your mines are a bust you can find wealth through trade. Commit your cowboys to the prairies and you’ll score points for each camp they trade with and each herd of wild horses they capture. Manage your supply of cowboys and gain dominion over the Old West!